The New James Webb Space Telescope shows never before seen images of the planet Jupiter!

PHOTO: New Webb images of Jupiter highlight the planet's features, including its turbulent Great Red Spot. Here, it is depicted in space with enhanced color, in a composite image released by NASA.

Dear Commons Community,

The world’s newest and biggest space telescope is showing Jupiter as never before seen.  The James Webb Space Telescope took the photos in July, capturing unprecedented views of Jupiter’s northern and southern lights, and swirling polar haze. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, a storm big enough to swallow Earth, stands out brightly alongside countless smaller storms.

One wide-field picture (above) is particularly dramatic, showing the faint rings around the planet, as well as two tiny moons against a glittering background of galaxies.

“We’ve never seen Jupiter like this. It’s all quite incredible,” planetary astronomer Imke de Pater, of the University of California, Berkeley, said in a statement. He helped lead the observation. “We hadn’t really expected it to be this good, to be honest.”

The infrared images were artificially colored (see below) in blue, white, green, yellow and orange, according to the U.S.-French research team, to make the features stand out.

NASA and the European Space Agency’s $10 billion successor to the Hubble Space Telescope rocketed away at the end of last year and has been observing the cosmos in the infrared since summer. Scientists hope to behold the dawn of the universe with Webb, peering all the way back to when the first stars and galaxies were forming 13.7 billion years ago.

The observatory is positioned 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) from Earth.

Incredible images!


PHOTO: New Webb images of Jupiter highlight the planet's features, including its turbulent Great Red Spot. Here, it is depicted in space with enhanced color, in a composite image released by NASA.

Video: Michael Cohen Predicts Many of Trumps Allies Will Start Flipping as Litigation Heat Up!

Dear Commons Community,

Former Donald Trump fixer and lawyer, Michael Cohen, predicted yesterday on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show (see video above) that many of former President Donald Trump’s allies will flip on him as multiple investigations close in on his business dealings and efforts to interfere in the 2020 election.

“There’s going to be so much flipping, it’s going to be like watching a gymnastics event,” Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer said.

“Every single person is going to ― they all know what happened to me. None of them want to go to prison.”

Cohen’s comments come as Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, reached a plea deal with Manhattan prosecutors investigating an alleged tax fraud scheme within Trump’s real estate business. The deal requires him to testify in the trial against the company.

Meanwhile, Trump’s former personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, faced questioning last week before a special grand jury in Atlanta as a target of a probe into his and Trump’s attempts to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia.

“Weisselberg is 75 years old. You think he wants to spend the next 15 years in Rikers Island?” Cohen said.

“But what I see is that the judge did a very smart thing. He’s not sentencing Weisselberg until after the Trump Organization hearing, meaning: they’re going to ask him very specific questions [about the scheme]” he continued.

″‘Who else was involved? Let me ask you the question specifically: Was Donald Trump involved in the process at all?’ And if he says no, rest assured they already know he would be lying. And that would end the agreement.”

As for Giuliani, Cohen suggested he’s just another piece in the puzzle that will ultimately take Trump down.

“It’s not just Giuliani. It’s everybody,” he said. “Understand that the way Donald Trump behaves ― and I’ve used this statement many times before ― he acts like a mob boss. So there’s an entire, we’ll call it ‘family,’ underneath it.

“You have your capos. You have your soldiers. Every single person involved will be able to provide additional testimony that is going to sink not just the Trump Organization, but its eponymous leader, the führer himself.”

“There’s no way for him to escape liability. There’s no way for him to now escape, you know, being held accountable for finances. Because nothing went on at the Trump Organization that did not involve directly Donald Trump’s approval.”

Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance charges and lying to Congress and was sentenced to three years in prison in 2018. He admitted to helping arrange hush money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels and model Karen McDougal to keep them from making public claims of extramarital affairs with Trump during the 2016 presidential race.

He was released in November after his time was reduced for good behavior. He served the last year and a half of his sentence in home confinement.

I hope Cohen is right!



Frank Bruni: Liz Cheney Won in the Ways That Count!

Dear Commons Community,

Former New York Times columnist, Frank Bruni, had a contributing essay yesterday entitled,  Liz Cheney Won in the Ways That Count!  His main theme was that by sticking to her principles, Cheney  was the winner last Tuesday in the Wyoming primary and the Republican Party was the loser.  Here is his conclusion.

“The losers on Tuesday night were the Republican Party, which needs her more than she needs it, and the United States, which needs rescue from its ruinous indulgence of Trump. Cheney has made that case as forcefully as anyone, holding on to the greatest prize of all: her dignity.”


The entire essay is below.



The New York Times

In the Ways That Count, Liz Cheney Won

Aug. 17, 2022

By Frank Bruni

I know what the numbers say. I can read the returns. By those hard, cold, simplistic measures, Liz Cheney was defeated overwhelmingly in her House Republican primary in Wyoming on Tuesday night, and her time in Congress is winding down.

But it’s impossible for me to say that she lost.

She got many, many fewer votes than her opponent, an unscrupulous shape shifter unfit to shine her shoes, because she chose the tough world of truth over Donald Trump’s underworld of lies. That’s a moral victory.

She was spurned by conservatives in Wyoming because she had the cleareyed vision to see Trump for what he is and — unlike Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, whose titles perversely include the word “leader” — she wouldn’t don a blindfold. That makes her a champion in the ways that count most.

Come January, she will no longer be Representative Cheney because she represents steadfast principle in an era with a devastating deficit of it. History will smile on her for that. It will remember the likes of McConnell and McCarthy for different, darker reasons. You tell me who’s the winner in this crowd.

I don’t mean to idealize her too much — easy to do, given the cowardice of so many others in her party. She’s not some paragon of altruism, and a few conservatives I respect rolled their eyes when she first separated herself from the House pack to denounce Trump in the most sweeping terms possible. They sensed that she had inherited Dick Cheney’s arrogance. They suspected that her motives included grandstanding. They rightly augured that she’d become more of a political celebrity in exile than she would by playing along, and they guessed that she was making that calculation.

But there could be no dispute, at least not among honest and sensible patriots, about the correctness of her positions on Trump, on her party’s fealty to him and on the peril that he poses to the future of American democracy.

And there’s no question at this point about her genuineness. You can’t endure and survive the kind of nastiness that she has if you don’t believe in what you’re doing. You can’t radiate the calm and conviction that she has as the vice chair of the Jan. 6 committee if you’re not confident that you’re on the side of the angels.

Additionally, she didn’t do what more than a few other Never Trumpers did and essentially morph into a Democrat, tweaking and twisting long-held positions so that she could still belong somewhere. She simply and importantly made cause with Democrats, which didn’t erase her past, had greater authenticity and was enough.

I was sad and angry when she celebrated the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, because I think she’s wrong: An embryo doesn’t take precedence over a woman, who should not have to become a fugitive from her state to exercise control over her own body. But I grudgingly respected Cheney’s fidelity to her beliefs and readiness to alienate her newest fans.

She’s a cantankerous sort — like father, like daughter — and heroes are as messy as villains. But a hero she is, because she models independent-mindedness for a country in which too many people fall into tribal line.

She’s not going away. She was clear about her determination to hold on to her megaphone and continue fighting Trump in her Tuesday night concession speech, which was less concession than vow — and an extravagant vow at that. It invoked and put her in the company of Abraham Lincoln, who, she noted, “was defeated in elections for the Senate and the House before he won the most important election of all.” She’s alert to the past and perhaps inherited that from Lynne Cheney, who writes serious books on the country’s political history. Like mother, like daughter.

Was her Lincoln reference an indication that she’ll run for president in 2024? Political observers wonder. They’re right to. We’ll find out soon enough. But we know this much now: The losers on Tuesday night were the Republican Party, which needs her more than she needs it, and the United States, which needs rescue from its ruinous indulgence of Trump. Cheney has made that case as forcefully as anyone, holding on to the greatest prize of all: her dignity.


Sean Hannity Goes after Mitch McConnell for Comment on Quality of  GOP Candidates!

Hannity says it's time for new GOP leadership after McConnell condemns Trump for inciting insurrection

Dear Commons Community,

On Friday, Fox News host Sean Hannity went after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for undercutting weak GOP Senate candidates with a comment about their “quality.”  As reported by the Huffington Post.

In light of flagging GOP poll numbers, McConnell appeared to downgrade his earlier hopes that Republicans would retake the Senate in the midterm elections because the candidates were less than top notch. Unlike the House, “Senate races are just different — they’re statewide. Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell told reporters Thursday.

A number of those in trouble are those pushed by Donald Trump.

Hannity accused the senator of abandoning his own party’s candidates.

Hannity said “Democrats are painting Republican Senate candidates in upcoming elections and midterms as cruel and out of touch.  Apparently Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is content to leave them out to dry and fend for themselves.”

Hannity believes the only candidates short on quality are Democrats, like Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who’s running for the Senate against Trump pick, former TV personality Dr. Mehmet Oz. Hannity bashed Fetterman’s “devout socialist-style.”

How about “you get out there, Mitch, and fight for your team?” asked Hannity. “What’s your agenda, Mitch, or would you rather just sit by and watch helplessly as Democrats lie to your face, pass another $500 billion green energy boondoggle next year?”

Or is it “maybe Mitch McConnell hates Donald Trump so much that he would probably rather see Trump-endorsed candidates loose because he might think that would hurt Donald Trump? His time as a leader has come to an end,” Hannity added.

McConnell, who has yet to reply to Hannity, didn’t single out any candidate as lacking quality when he spoke to reporters. But his dig reflected frustrations in the GOP about controversial Republican Senate candidates with little or no political experience who are stumbling in the polls. Those include most notably Oz, author, investment banker and Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance, and former football star Herschel Walker, who’s running for the Senate in Georgia.

In Oz’s latest mocked blunder, he moaned in a video, originally made in April, about the high cost of “crudité” in a city that prefers Philly cheesesteaks. He also referred to the well-known Pennsylvania grocery store Redner’s, where he was shopping for raw vegetables, as “Wegner’s.”

Oz’s Democratic rival, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, quickly trolled Oz that Pennsylvania voters know “crudité” as something far less highbrow: a veggie platter. Smart-aleck Philadelphians and Stephen Colbert quickly piled on.

Sources told Rolling Stone that even Trump is growing frustrated with Oz, who he has championed.

He’s going to “f**king lose” unless something drastically changes, Trump has complained about his pick, sources told the publication.

Such language coming from a former president!


Falling gas prices:  Sign that inflation is on the way down?

News – Page 27 – LNG2019

Dear Commons Community,

Gas prices are continuing to steadily decline after hitting a record high earlier this year, and one strategist is optimistic that it’s a sign of things to come on the inflation front.

“You’ve got to start somewhere,” iCapital Chief Investment Strategist Anastasia Amoroso said on Yahoo Finance Live. “And energy is such an important input in a variety of intermediate and final goods. So I think the fact that we’re starting to see energy prices come down, that might be a sign of what’s more to come for other inflation indicators.”

As of Aug. 17, the average national gas price is $3.94, according to AAA. Earlier this summer, it was more than $5.00 a gallon, indicating that inflation may be starting to show signs of cooling.

On top of that, the latest Producer Price Index (PPI) data — which tracks the prices of goods, services, and construction from the perspective of the seller — fell 0.5% in July, the first decline in more than two years. The downward move was largely attributed to falling energy prices.

July’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) data, meanwhile, came in below expectations at 8.5% year over year, which was down from the prior month’s 40-year high of 9.1%. These figures were also driven by energy prices as the gasoline index fell 7.7% in July — the largest month-over-month drop since April 2020 — and energy prices fell by 4.6%.

“We’re starting to chip away at inflation, and that’s a big catalyst for the markets,” Amoroso said. “This is what we’ve been waiting for really the last six months. So I take it as a big positive.”

Amoroso said one of her main themes for the second half of the year is prudence, particularly “consumers being more prudent in how they spend their dollars” as inflation continues to slowly wane.

“It’s not about revenge spending anymore,” she said. “It’s not about travel costs at all anymore. So I do suspect that we’re going to see a slowdown in that spending.”

Still, Amoroso added, “consumers may pull back, but overall consumers are not in bad shape.”

Good analysis!  Yesterday I paid $4.18 a gallon for regular here in New York!


Judge Jacob Cunningham Rules “Prosecutors cannot enforce Michigan’s abortion ban”

Michigan judge blocks decades-old abortion ban

Judge Jacob Cunningham

Dear Commons Community,

Judge Jacob Cunningham yesterday blocked county prosecutors from enforcing the state’s 1931 ban on abortion for the foreseeable future, after two days of witness testimony from abortion experts, providers and the state’s chief medical officer.

The ruling follows a state Court of Appeals ruling this month that county prosecutors were not covered by a May order and could enforce the prohibition following the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade.  As reported by the Associated Press.

“The harm to the body of women and people capable of pregnancy in not issuing the injunction could not be more real, clear, present and dangerous to the court,” Oakland County Judge Jacob Cunningham said during his ruling Friday.

David Kallman, an attorney for two Republican county prosecutors, said an appeal is planned.

“The judge ignored all of the clear legal errors and problems in this case, it appears to me, simply because the issue is abortion,” Kallman told The Associated Press following the hearing.

Cunningham filed a restraining order against county prosecutors hours after the Aug. 1 appeals court decision and following a request from attorneys representing Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

Although a majority of prosecutors in counties where there are abortion clinics have said they will not enforce the ban, Republican prosecutors in Kent, Jackson and Macomb counties have said they should be able to enforce the 1931 law. Macomb, which is just north of Detroit, and Kent, in western Michigan, are the state’s third- and fourth-most populated counties, respectively.

Cunningham listened to arguments Wednesday and Thursday in Pontiac before granting the preliminary injunction, which is expected to keep abortion legal throughout the state until the Michigan Supreme Court or voters could decide in the fall.

In his ruling, Cunningham found all three of the state’s witnesses “extremely credible” while dismissing testimony from the defense witnesses as “unhelpful and biased.”

The 1931 law in Michigan, which was triggered after the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, bans abortion in all instances except the life of the mother. The dormant ban was retroactively blocked from going into effect in May when Judge Elizabeth Gleicher issued a preliminary injunction.

The state Court of Appeals later said that the preliminary injunction only applied to the attorney general’s office, meaning that providers could get charged with a felony by some county prosecutors.

While Kallman said during closing arguments Thursday that granting a preliminary injunction isn’t how laws should be changed, attorneys representing Whitmer argued that allowing county prosecutors to decide whether to enforce the 1931 ban would cause confusion.

“I’m relieved that everyone in this state knows that it doesn’t matter what county you live in now, you are not as a provider going to be prosecuted,” Oakland County Prosecutor Karen McDonald said following the ruling. Oakland is the second-most populated Michigan county. The prosecutor for Wayne County, which includes Detroit and is the state’s most populous, had also said she would not pursue such cases.

A ballot initiative seeking to enshrine abortion rights into the state’s constitution turned in 753,759 signatures in July and is expected to ultimately decide the status abortion access in Michigan. The amendment awaits final approval for the November ballot by the state’s Board of Canvassers.

“This court finds it is overwhelmingly in the public’s best interest to let the people of the great state of Michigan decide this matter at the ballot box,” Cunningham said yesterday.

Congratulations Judge Cunningham!


President Biden’s USDOE ‘terminates’ status of the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)

NBER Outcomes at Public and For-Profit Colleges

Dear Commons Community,

The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) revoked the accreditation status of the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) after years of scandals related to for-profit schools and student loans.  As reported by Yahoo News.

“ACICS is no longer a nationally recognized accrediting agency and can no longer serve as a ‘gatekeeper’ of institutional eligibility for federal student aid programs,” the USDOE stated in an announcement titled: “U.S. Department of Education Terminates Federal Recognition of ACICS.”

ACICS accredited now defunct for-profit schools ITT Tech and Corinthian Colleges. Many students enrolled at these schools didn’t have transferable credits nor promised degrees. ACICS was also accused of double dipping in taxpayer funded pandemic PPP loans and coronavirus stimulus payments.

“ACICS accredited the worst of the worst scam schools, including Corinthian, ITT Tech and Art Institute and a school that didn’t even exist,” Thomas Gokey, an organizer with the Debt Collective, said in a statement. “These schools never should have been allowed to access federal funds, and the harm they have done to millions of students can only be repaired by full cancellation and a commitment to fund high quality public college for all.”

A 2018 National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) working paper found that students who attended for-profit colleges were more likely to obtain a federal loan than those who attend a public college and three times more likely to default on student loans — driven by the fact that these students were six times less likely to receive employment after enrollment compared to their public college peers.

Students at for-profit colleges tend to take out more student loans and experience worse outcomes than public college students. (NBER)

In 2016, the Obama-era USDOE stripped ACICS of its status as an accrediting agency. At the time, ACICS had already accredited 237 schools that enrolled 361,000 students receiving federal financial student aid. In 2018, the Trump-era USDOE under Betsy DeVos reinstated ACICS.  However, in 2020, after a damning USA Today report detailing how ACICS accredited a school that reportedly had zero students and no faculty or classrooms, the USDOE launched an investigation into the accrediting agency.

“We are talking about an entity that accredited a school that didn’t even exist and continues to rubber stamp some of the worst for-profit colleges,” Eric Rothschild, director of litigation at the National Student Legal Defense Network, said in a statement. “Students count on accreditors to validate that the schools where they spend their time and money will meet a baseline level of quality.”

When Biden took office in January 2021, career officials at the USDOE recommended that ACICS, which was founded in 1912, be disempowered once again. The officials stated that ACICS “fails to demonstrate compliance” with regulations and that “provides a stand-alone basis for termination.”

“Accrediting agencies are often the only barrier between predatory for-profit colleges and access to millions of dollars in federal aid,” Cody Hounanian, executive director of the Student Debt Crisis Center, said in a statement. “Without proper accountability, these schools make huge profits and leave American families crushed by student debt and without a valuable degree. Today’s action is a small step towards cleaning up the exploitative elements of America’s higher education system. However, there is more work to be done to hold all bad-actors accountable and to provide financial relief to individuals who have been harmed.”

Predatory lending at for-profit schools exacerbated the student debt crisis, which has ballooned to more than $1.7 trillion.

“The U.S. Department of Education’s latest announcement regarding the ACICS is good news for both students concerned about attending a school that will provide them with adequate education, as well as for taxpayers who are worried that their money will go to waste at fraudulent institutions,” Jacob Channel, senior economist at Student Loan Hero, said in a statement.

The USDOE action should have been taken and finalized years ago.


CNN cancels ‘Reliable Sources,’ host Brian Stelter leaving network!

CNN, Brian Stelter, Reliable Sources


Dear Commons Community,

CNN has canceled its weekly “Reliable Sources” show on the media, and said yesterday that its host, Brian Stelter, is leaving the network.

The show will have its last broadcast this Sunday.

CNN has been looking to cut costs but also to put forth a less opinionated product. Stelter has written a book, “Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth” and been critical of Fox News, making him a frequent target of the CNN’s conservative critics.

Stelter came to CNN from The New York Times, where he was a media writer.

“He departs CNN as an impeccable broadcaster,” said Amy Entelis, executive vice president of talent and content development at CNN. “We are proud of what Brian and his team accomplished over the years, and we’re confident their impact and influence will long outlive the show.”

Stelter said that he was grateful for his nine years at CNN, proud of the show and thankful to its viewers.

“It was a rare privilege to lead a weekly show focused on the press at a time when it has never been more consequential,” he said. “I’ll have more to say on Sunday.”

It’s not clear what will happen with the “Reliable Sources” newsletter, a daily compendium of the media’s big stories.

Sorry to see Stelter go!


The New York Times Describes Jared Kushner’s New Book, “Breaking History” as “Soulless and Selective”

Dear Commons Community,

Jared Kushner has just published a memoir about his time in the Trump Whitehouse.  Entitled, Breaking History, Dwight Garner has a review in The New York Times that is less than flattering.  Here is an excerpt:

“Breaking History” is an earnest and soulless — Kushner looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one — and peculiarly selective appraisal of Donald J. Trump’s term in office. Kushner almost entirely ignores the chaos, the alienation of allies, the breaking of laws and norms, the flirtations with dictators, the comprehensive loss of America’s moral leadership, and so on, ad infinitum, to speak about his boyish tinkering (the “mechanic”) with issues he was interested in.

This book is like a tour of a once majestic 18th-century wooden house, now burned to its foundations, that focuses solely on, and rejoices in, what’s left amid the ashes: the two singed bathtubs, the gravel driveway and the mailbox. Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute. Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo.

The tone is college admissions essay. Typical sentence: “In an environment of maximum pressure, I learned to ignore the noise and distractions and instead to push for results that would improve lives.”

Every political cliché gets a fresh shampooing. “Even in a starkly divided country, there are always opportunities to build bridges,” Kushner writes. And, quoting the former White House deputy chief of staff Chris Liddell: “Every day here is sand through an hourglass, and we have to make it count.” So true, for these are the days of our lives.

Kushner, poignantly, repeatedly beats his own drum. He recalls every drop of praise he’s ever received; he brings these home and he leaves them on the doorstep. You turn the pages and find, almost at random, colleagues, some of them famous, trying to be kind…

Below is the entire review.

I think I will pass!



The New York Times

Jared Kushner’s ‘Breaking History’ Is a Soulless and Very Selective Memoir

By Dwight Garner

Aug. 17, 2022

A White House Memoir
By Jared Kushner
492 pages. Broadside Books. $35.

The United States Secret Service isn’t known for its sense of humor, but when it gave Jared Kushner the code name “mechanic,” was someone betting that he’d call his memoir “Breaking History”?

It’s a title that, in its thoroughgoing lack of self-awareness, matches this book’s contents. Kushner writes as if he believes foreign dignitaries (and less-than dignitaries) prized him in the White House because he was the fresh ideas guy, the starting point guard, the dimpled go-getter.

He betrays little cognizance that he was in demand because, as a landslide of other reporting has demonstrated, he was in over his head, unable to curb his avarice, a cocky young real estate heir who happened to unwrap a lot of Big Macs beside his father-in-law, the erratic and misinformed and similarly mercenary leader of the free world. Jared was a soft touch.

“Breaking History” is an earnest and soulless — Kushner looks like a mannequin, and he writes like one — and peculiarly selective appraisal of Donald J. Trump’s term in office. Kushner almost entirely ignores the chaos, the alienation of allies, the breaking of laws and norms, the flirtations with dictators, the comprehensive loss of America’s moral leadership, and so on, ad infinitum, to speak about his boyish tinkering (the “mechanic”) with issues he was interested in.

This book is like a tour of a once majestic 18th-century wooden house, now burned to its foundations, that focuses solely on, and rejoices in, what’s left amid the ashes: the two singed bathtubs, the gravel driveway and the mailbox. Kushner’s fealty to Trump remains absolute. Reading this book reminded me of watching a cat lick a dog’s eye goo.

The tone is college admissions essay. Typical sentence: “In an environment of maximum pressure, I learned to ignore the noise and distractions and instead to push for results that would improve lives.”

Every political cliché gets a fresh shampooing. “Even in a starkly divided country, there are always opportunities to build bridges,” Kushner writes. And, quoting the former White House deputy chief of staff Chris Liddell: “Every day here is sand through an hourglass, and we have to make it count.” So true, for these are the days of our lives.

Kushner, poignantly, repeatedly beats his own drum. He recalls every drop of praise he’s ever received; he brings these home and he leaves them on the doorstep. You turn the pages and find, almost at random, colleagues, some of them famous, trying to be kind, uttering things like:

It’s really not fair how the press is beating you up. You made a very positive contribution.

I don’t know how you do this every day on so many topics. That was really hard! You deserve an award for all you’ve done.

I’ve said before, and I’ll say again. This agreement would not have happened if it wasn’t for Jared.

Jared did an amazing job working with Bob Lighthizer on the incredible USMCA trade deal we signed yesterday.

Jared’s a genius. People complain about nepotism — I’m the one who got the steal here.

I’ve been in Washington a long time, and I must say, Jared is one of the best lobbyists I’ve ever seen.

A therapist might call these cries for help.

“Breaking History” opens with the story of Kushner’s father, the real estate tycoon Charles Kushner, who was imprisoned after hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, having the encounter filmed and sending the tape to his sister. He was a good man who did a bad thing, Jared says, and Chris Christie, while serving as the United States attorney for New Jersey, was cruel to prosecute him so mercilessly.

There is a flashback to Kushner’s grandparents, Holocaust survivors who settled in New Jersey and did well. There’s a page or two about Kushner’s time at Harvard. He omits the fact that he was admitted after his father pledged $2.5 million to the college.

If Kushner can recall a professor or a book that influenced him while in Cambridge, he doesn’t say. Instead, he recalls doing his first real estate deals while there. He moved to New York, and bought and ruined a great newspaper (The New York Observer) by dumbing it down and feting his friends in its pages.

His wooing of Ivanka Trump included a good deal of jet-setting. Kushner briefly broke up with her, he writes, because she wasn’t Jewish. (She would later convert.) Wendi Murdoch, Rupert’s wife, reunited them on Rupert’s yacht. Kushner describes the power scene:

On that Sunday, we were having lunch at Bono’s house in the town of Eze on the French Riviera, when Rupert stepped out to take a call. He came back and whispered in my ear, “They blinked, they agreed to our terms, we have The Wall Street Journal.” After lunch, Billy Joel, who had also been with us on the boat, played the piano while Bono sang with the Irish singer-songwriter Bob Geldof.

With or without you, Bono.

Once in the White House, Kushner became Little Jack Horner, placing a thumb in everyone else’s pie, and he wonders why he was disliked. He read Sun Tzu and imagined he was becoming a warrior. It was because he had Trump’s ear, however, that he won nearly every time he locked antlers with a rival. Corey Lewandowski — out. Steve Bannon — out.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who begged Kushner to stop meddling internationally — out. (Kushner cites Tillerson’s “reclusive approach” to foreign policy.) By the end, Tillerson was like a dead animal someone needed to pull a tarpaulin over.

Kushner was pleased that the other adults in the room, including the White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, the White House counsel Don McGahn and the later chief of staff John Kelly, left or were ejected because they tried, patriotically, to exclude him from meetings he shouldn’t have been in. The fact that he was initially denied security clearance, he writes, was much ado about nothing.

The bulk of “Breaking History” — at nearly 500 pages, it’s a slog — goes deeply into the weeds (Kushner, in his acknowledgments, credits a ghostwriter, the speechwriter Brittany Baldwin) on the issues he cared most about, including prison reform, the Covid response and the Middle East, where he had a win with the Abraham Accords.

This book ends with Kushner suggesting he was unaware of the events of Jan. 6 until late in the day. He mostly sidesteps talking about spurious claims of election fraud. He seems to have no beliefs beyond carefully managed appearances and the art of the deal. He wants to stay on top of things, this manager, but doesn’t want to get to the bottom of anything.

You finish “Breaking History” wondering: Who is this book for? There’s not enough red meat for the MAGA crowd, and Kushner has never appealed to them anyway. Political wonks will be interested — maybe, to a limited degree — but this material is more thoroughly and reliably covered elsewhere. He’s a pair of dimples without a demographic.

What a queasy-making book to have in your hands. Once someone has happily worked alongside one of the most flagrant and systematic and powerful liars in this country’s history, how can anyone be expected to believe a word they say?

It makes a kind of sense that Kushner is likely to remain exiled in Florida. “The whole peninsula of Florida was weighted down with regret,” as Cynthia Ozick put it in “The Shawl.” “Everyone had left behind a real life.”

Keller, Texas School District Pulls Books including the Bible from its Shelves!

Dear Commons Community,

The Keller Independent School District (Texas) is pulling all books from library shelves and classrooms that were challenged by parents, lawmakers and other community members in the last year — including the Bible.

The day before students started back at the Keller, which serves students in the Fort Worth suburbs, Jennifer Price, the executive director of curriculum and instruction, told principals and librarians to remove 41 books while they undergo a review, according to an email obtained by the Texas Tribune.

Some of the books included in the list are all editions of the Bible, a graphic novel adaptation of Anne Frank’s diary, “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison and “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” by Maia Kobabe, the Tribune reported. Kobabe’s book tops the American Library Association’s list for most banned books in 2021.   As reported in the Texas Tribune and USA Today.

“Attached is a list of all books that were challenged last year. By the end of today, I need all books pulled from the library and classrooms. Please collect these books and store them in a location. (book room, office, etc.),” Price wrote in the email on Tuesday.

Students returned to class Wednesday after summer break, according to the district’s website.

The decision comes amid an uptick in book bans in schools and libraries across the country. The American Library Association, which tracks book challenges and bans, reported a more than doubling of challenges in 2021 from 2020, with actual numbers likely being much higher.

Parents, politicians, and other community members have been challenging books at higher rates as conservative lawmakers raise concerns about what students are being taught in schools about topics such as race, sexuality, and gender identity.

Some of the books at Keller ISD that received challenges — requests to remove them from libraries and schools — had already been reviewed last school year by a school district committee and were recommended to remain in schools, according to the Tribune.

A new policy approved by the school board earlier this month requires that they be reviewed again, the district told USA TODAY in a statement.

“Right now, Keller ISD’s administration is asking our campus staff and librarians to review books that were challenged last year to determine if they meet the requirements of the new policy,” the statement reads. “Books that meet the new guidelines will be returned to the libraries as soon as it is confirmed they comply with the new policy.”

According to Board of Trustees President Charles Randklev in a post on Facebook, district officials are concerned about “graphic, gratuitous, sexually-explicit content.”

“Per the new policy, instructional materials previously challenged following the old policy, which was flawed and exposed children to pornographic material… will be re-evaluated,” Randklev said.

According to the district website, some challenged books after initial review were allowed to remain in all classrooms in libraries (Morrison’s “The Bluest Eye,” “Moxie” by Jennifer Mathieu). Some were kept only in high schools (“We Are The Ants” by Shaun David Hutchinson and “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” by Jesse Andrews). One book (“More Happy Than Not” by Adam Silvera) would be removed from curriculum but allowed to remain as individual reading.

Burn the books next!
