Video: Chris Hayes Takes Down Rupert Murdoch and New Fox Weather Channel!

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Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is jumping into the weather forecasting game with a new channel, Fox Weather, to debut later this year, The New York Times reported.

And people have concerns, given the right-wing spin of Murdoch’s other Fox outlets — in particular Fox News ― whose personalities have often denied the very existence of the climate crisis itself.

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes said earlier this week (see video above)  he was “hard-pressed to think of someone worse” than Murdoch to run a weather channel, warning he “will try to do for the world’s climate what he has done for American democracy; deny it, undermine it, lead it to the brink of destruction.”

Washington Post columnist Alexandra Petri penned a spoof programming list for the new channel, featuring shows such as “Worst Weather Moments of the Obama Administration” and “Static Shots of Trump Golf Courses Where the Weather Is Very Nice.”

It is likely that Murdoch’s  Fox News disinformation company will do everything possible to sully weather reporting.



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