Video: Rudy Giuliani Goes Off the Rails in Interview with Piers Morgan!

Dear Commons Community,

Rudy Giuliani again demonstrated that he has become unhinged when anyone questions his conduct and veracity.  We hadn’t seen him in a while and I think he should have stayed out of the limelight.  In an  interview with Piers Morgan yesterday on Good Morning Britain he got into a messy argument (see video above).

The “Good Morning Britain” host argued with Giuliani over Donald Trump’s “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” comments and threatened crackdown against people protesting the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd. 

The discussion devolved from there.

“You’re a disgrace,” Giuliani snapped.

“You sound completely barking mad,” Morgan retorted.

Giuliani called him a “big liar” and insulted Morgan for his canceled CNN show in the U.S.

The calmer Morgan then scorched the unhinged former New York mayor: “When I used to interview you, you were an intelligent, reasonable man. And you’ve gone completely mad. And you sound deranged, you’re abusive, it’s really sad to see what’s happened to you.”

Co-host Susanna Reid, who had enough of the personal attacks, said: “I’m not sure our viewers want to watch that.”

Giuliani and Trump deserve each other.  America doesn’t deserve either.


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