“Teachers College Record” Book Review: “Navigating Complexities in Leadership: Moving Toward Critical Hope” by Kathy L. Guthrie and Kerry L. Priest, Eds.)

Dear Commons Community,

The Teachers College Record just published a book review I wrote entitled:  Navigating Complexities in Leadership: Moving Toward Critical Hope by Kathy L. Guthrie and Kerry L. Priest, Eds.).  My review (see below for link) was positive.  Here is my summary:

“Overall, I thought Navigating Complexities in Leadershipaccomplished its stated purpose. It offers perceptive insights into current issues of leadership and its teaching, and is especially strong on matters of diversity, race, and gender. The book is an important addition to the literature.”

Here is the full citation and link.

Picciano, A.G. (2023). Navigating Complexities in Leadership: Moving Toward Critical Hope (Review of the book Navigating Complexities in Leadership: Moving Toward Critical Hope by Kathy L. Guthrie and Kerry L. Priest, Eds.). Teachers College Recordhttps://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/TCZ/Book%20Reviews/2023%20Book%20Reviews/February%202023/Navigating%20Complexities%20in%20Leadership-%20Moving%20Toward%20Critical%20Hope-1675103035.pdf






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