Dear Commons Community,
Last night, Brian Kilmeade of Fox News showed a clearly photoshopped image (above) of Judge Bruce Reinhart, who signed off on the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort that took place on Monday.
The image took a 2017 post from Judge Reinhart while he was waiting out a hurricane hoping to watch the New York Giants, and put his image over that of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein getting his foot rubbed by his now-imprisoned cohort Ghislaine Maxwell (below).
Even though the image Fox showed was credited to the Twitter handle @whatimemetosay, Kilmeade tried passing it off as real.
“Also, a picture of Bruce Reinhart,” Kilmeade said while bringing up the image. “This is the judge in charge of the… of the uh… of the, um… as you know, of the warrant, and we’ll see if he’s gonna release it next. He likes Oreos and whiskey.”
This isn’t the first time Fox has been caught trying to pass off fake images as real. They did the same thing in June of 2020 during the George Floyd protests when they showed a fiery image of Minneapolis and claimed it was Seattle.
No wonder why misled people are going round with guns looking to shoot FBI agents.