Video: Ex-Fox News Host Gretchen Carlson Slams Network for Aiding in Dismantling U.S. Democracy!

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Ex-Fox News host Gretchen Carlson slammed her former network, saying “there’s a big difference between having a conservative opinion and having one that supports conspiracy theories.”

“Conservative television news is certainly not the conservative news that was out there even just five years ago,” Carlson told CNN’s Jim Acosta on Thursday (see video above for complete interview).

“Slowly but surely, this has morphed into eradicating any other point of view since the Trump era that is not just opinion,” said Carlson, who left Fox in 2016.

“It’s gone from an opinion, which was fine, to completely devolving into non-fact-based conspiracy theories and outright dangerous rhetoric, in my mind, and I think it’s a complete disservice to our country,” she told Acosta.

“This is not going to end well, in my mind,” Carlson added.

We need more of the former and present Fox News people to come out and call the network for what it is!


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