University of Dayton Wins $88M Air Force Research Contract for AI and other Autonomy Technology Development!

Dear Commons Community,

The Air Force Research Laboratory has awarded the University of Dayton a five-year contract for research and development of autonomy technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, neuromorphic computing and data exploitation.

The $87,986,952 contract for research and development will have work performed in Dayton, and is expected to be completed by Feb. 12, 2027, the Department of Defense said on Wednesday.

The contract came from Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.  As reported by the Dayton Daily News.

“Through the five-year program, dubbed “Soaring Otter,” researchers will support the Air Force in its quest to increase its capabilities in maturing autonomy technologies, including  artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, neuromorphic computing and data exploitation, the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI) said yesterday .

These technologies will allow autonomous systems to gather information, “understand” images or data, and then use the information to solve problems or achieve goals, principal investigator Patrick Hytla, senior image processing engineer in UDRI’s applied sensing division, said in a UDRI release.Air Force applications for autonomous systems include intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; cybersecurity; and command and control systems.”

Congratulations to the University of Dayton.  I think we will see many more contracts and grants in the years to come from government and military organizations  to develop advanced digital technologies.


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