Dear Commons Community,
The Conference of the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions began a few minutes ago and I must say I am impressed with the issues and topics to be discussed over the next four days. The conference will have presentations related to President Joe Biden’s higher education policies, post-COVID colleges and universities, finance, technology and of course, collective bargaining and shared governance. If you are at all interested in any of these, feel free to attend (admission is free although donations are welcome). Access to all sessions can be found at: http://www.flatironhoteventhall.com/hunterconference2021/
I will be on a panel tomorrow at 9:00 am (EDT) entitled:
◆ Anthony G. Picciano, Professor, Hunter College and CUNY Graduate Center, School of Education
◆ Irene Mulvey, President, AAUP
◆ Joseph McConnell, Morgan, Brown & Joy, LLP
◆ Theodore Curry, Professor of Human Resources and Labor Relations, Michigan State University, Moderator
I think you will find it a stimulating discussion of higher education in the post-pandemic world.
I hope you can make it.