Ivanka Trump Announces Initiative to Promote Federal Government Hiring of People with Skills Not Necessarily a College Degree!

Dear Commons Community,

Ivanka Trump announced yesterday (see video above) that it planned to direct the federal government to overhaul its hiring to prioritize a job applicant’s skills over a college degree.  

“We are modernizing federal hiring to find candidates with the relevant competencies and knowledge, rather than simply recruiting based on degree requirements,” she told The Associated Press. “We encourage employers everywhere to take a look at their hiring practices and think critically about how initiatives like these can help diversify and strengthen their workforce.” 

How ironic is it that this announcement was made by Ivanka Trump given that she is totally inexperienced and only has her position as a White House adviser because of her father.   Or as Jennifer Hayden tweeted yesterday:  “If the White House hiring were “skills-based” — this woman wouldn’t be within 100 miles of that building.”


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