Who Won the Democratic Presidential Debate Last Night – Donald Trump!

Dear Commons Community,

Last night’s Democratic presidential debate was a verbal brawl with candidates “zinging each other” especially during the first hour.  Elizabeth Warren gave it to Michael Bloomberg, Bloomberg gave it  to Bernie Sanders, Sanders gave it to Buttigieg, and Buttigieg and Amy Klobucher gave to each other. Bloomberg drew the most ire and was forced to defend his record and his past comments related to race, gender and his personal wealth.   Joe Biden had some good things to say but his hesitant, searching for words style was again on display.  In addition, especially during the first hour, it appeared that there was no control of the debate and who got to speak. Candidates spoke and yelled over one another, they waved their hands as if to say “me, me, me”.  In my opinion, the candidates effectively killed each other off. 

The winner was Donald Trump.  Hardly anything was said about him or his policies.

The Democrats had better get their act TOGETHER!


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