American Colleges with the Largest Endowments!

Dear Commons Community,

The Chronicle of Higher Education had an article yesterday on endowments that was based on the colleges that participated in the 2018 Nacubo-TIAA Study of Endowments.  On average, investments returned 8.2 percent on their endowments for the 2018 fiscal year, compared with 12.2 percent for the 2017 fiscal year. The drop in the percentage was largely because of a decline in U.S. and international equity markets. Thirteen institutions had endowments valued at $10 billion or more, compared with 10 the previous year. Nearly half of the money colleges withdrew from their endowments was spent to support student scholarships and other financial-aid programs. Two-thirds of the colleges reported that they had increased spending from their endowments in the 2018 fiscal year, with a median increase among those institutions of 6.6 percent.   You can see the endowments for the 800 colleges that participated in the study here.  The colleges with the top-ten endowments are above.


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