CNN’s Chris Cuomo Tells Fox News’ Laura Ingraham “You Leave” if You Don’t Like Our Country!

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Fox News evening host Laura Ingraham lit up the media last week by her comments on Wednesday about immigrants and that the “America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.   CNN anchor Chris Cuomo called her out over her comments and suggested she “leave” if she does not approve of the country’s changing population.  As reported by Newsweek.

“Cuomo responded to Ingraham’s comments  in which she said “massive demographic changes have been foisted upon the American people,” and that the “America we know and love doesn’t exist anymore.”

Cuomo delved into President Donald Trump’s criticism of illegal immigration, and particularly the practice of “chain migration,” which he has disparaged, while also noting first Lady Melania Trump’s parents were granted U.S. citizenship Thursday afternoon thanks to their daughter having previously sponsored them for green cards.

A frequent critic of Trump as well as Fox’s coverage of the president, Cuomo then talked about his family’s own immigration to this country and how immigration had contributed to the U.S.’s development over centuries. He wrapped up by calling out Ingraham.

“Ingraham talks of changes that [she said] none of us ever voted for and most of us don’t like, wrong!” Cuomo said while noting a Gallup poll in June that found 84 percent of respondents answered that legal immigration was a “good thing.”

“To turn a phrase back on our us-versus-them friends—if you don’t like what America is, you leave.” Cuomo said. “America does not need to become great again. She will only become greater by being more of what she already is.”

Ingraham responded to her critics on Thursday, noting that she was not speaking about race or ethnicity and had also denounced former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, as a “racist freak.”

“A message to those who are distorting my views, including all white nationalists and especially one racist freak whose name I will not even mention,” she said. “You do not have my support, you don’t represent my views and you are antithetical to the beliefs I hold dear. The purpose of last night’s angle was to point out that the rule of law—meaning secure borders—is something that used to bind our country together.”

Both Ingraham and fellow Fox host Tucker Carlson have been accused of stoking racial tensions when covering legal and illegal immigration.

Throughout 2018, the network reportedly drew 94 percent of its audience from white viewers with no other demographic group accounting for more than 3 percent viewership, according to CNN.”

Go Chris!



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