Traveling Today to Attend the Online Learning Consortium Annual Conference in Orlando!

Dear Commons Community,

I leave today for Orlando to attend the Annual Online Learning Consortium (formerly Sloan-C) ACCELERATE Conference.  This is the premiere event for online learning. This year’s program will highlight initiatives that reflect and showcase communities of practice through presentations, panel discussions, express workshops, research highlights, discovery sessions, and pre-conference workshops.  There are six strands as follows:

  • Research
  • Professional Development and Support
  • Institutional Strategies and Globalization
  • Learner Services and Support
  • Learning Effectiveness
  • Innovations, Tools and Technologies

All of the details about the program are available at the Conference website.

I have a session on Thursday afternoon with colleagues Chuck Dziuban, Patsy Moskal, Mary Niemiec, and Karen Swan on Higher Education’s Digital Future Is Closer Than We Think!  Below is the abstract.

If you are attending, please feel free to stop by.  We would love to see you!


Higher Education’s Digital Future Is Closer Than We Think!

Date: Thursday, November 16th
Time: 1:30 PM to 2:15 PM
Conference Session: Concurrent Session 8
Lead Presenter: Anthony Picciano (CUNY – Graduate Center) (Moderator)
Co-presenters: Chuck Dziuban (University of Central Florida), Patsy Moskal (University of Central Florida), Mary Niemiec (University of Nebraska ), Karen Swan (University of Illinois Springfield)
Strand: N/A
Location: Asia 2
Session Duration: 45min
Brief Abstract:

A panel of leading educators will speculate on higher education’s digital future.  Critical issues examined will include the changing role of college faculty, the ascendency of instructional design and off-the-shelf courses, the role of online education in promoting changes in institutional missions, strategies, and student social class separation, The discussants will consider both the near future (2020s) and more distant future (2030s and beyond) and will explore the roles of adaptive technology, brain-machine interfaces, and artificial intelligence on teaching and learning.  The panel will specifically examine predictions posited in the book Online Education Policy and Practice: The Past, Present, and Future of the Digital University (Taylor & Francis/Routledge, 2017) by Anthony G. Picciano.


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