Trump and Cruz Debate New York Values!


Dear Commons Community,

Last night’s Republican presidential nominee debate was one for the ages.  The Fox News moderators fed the candidates lots of red meat questions for the candidates to spout nasty rhetoric at President Obama and at each other.  National security, terrorism, the economy, immigration, and gun control were the main topics.  Education was mentioned once by Marco Rubio and Chris Christie both panning the Common Core Curriculum.  However, the moment that was most riveting for me was the exchange between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz for the second time this week bashed New York “values” as pro-choice, gay marriage, Wall Street, and a liberal media.  In rebuttal, Donald Trump brushed off the criticism by invoking the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. “When the world trade center came down I saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanely than New York,” he said.  Trump went on to mention the people who gave their lives that day and concluded with:  “Mr. Cruz what you said was very insulting.”  In the split screen, a viewer could see that Cruz was floored by Trump’s response and left speechless.

A win for Trump and a big loss for Cruz!




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