New York City Schools Chancellor Selection Heating Up: Farina, Cashin, Darling-Hammond!

Dear Commons Community,

Now that Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has appointed Bill Bratton as police chief, his next high-profile appointment will be the New York City schools chancellor.  The media are reporting a number of potential candidates.  Among them are:

  • Carmen Farina, a former deputy New York city schools chancellor;
  • Kaya Henderson, Washington, D.C., schools chancellor;
  • Barbara Byrd-Bennett, Chicago schools CEO;
  • Joshua Starr, Montgomery County (Maryland) Superintendent;
  • Kathy Cashin, New York State Regent and former community school board superintendent;
  • Linda Darling-Hammond, Professor of Education at Stanford University (formerly at Teachers College).

All of the above have had experience working in New York City.  My sense is that someone like Carmen Farina, Joshua Starr, or Kathy Cashin, may be the best fit for Mayor-elect de Blasio.

We shall see!



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