Final Day of the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference!

Dear Commons Community,

The final day of the 10th Annual Sloan-C Conference and Workshop featured a plenary panel moderated by Marc Parry of The Chronicle of Higher Education.  The panel was composed of:

Charles R. Graham (Brigham Young University, Heather Staker (Clayton Christensen Institute, Anders Norberg (Skellefteå Council/Umeå University (Sweden), and George Mehaffy (American Association of State Colleges and Universities).   They presented their views on the state of the research on blended research.  What was most striking was the different viewpoints of the panelists.  Charles made the plea for more theory-based research.  George presented the views of administrative leadership and stressed the need for more cost-benefit studies.  Heather compared the state/differences of blended learning in higher education and K-12 schools.  Anders provided the European perspective of the research in blended learning going so far as to question the very term “blended learning” itself.

It was a great finish to a fine conference.  My congratulations to Tanya Joosten, the Sloan-C staff and all those who contributed to its success.


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