Dear Commons Community,
Last night we took a cruise on the Bosphorus, a little cool but comfortable enough to remain outdoors and enjoy the beautiful evening sights and lights. Many of the major landmarks and bridges in Istanbul are highlighted in traditional or laser light.
While sitting in the moonlight of the open top deck, we chatted with several people, all of whom were international tourists like ourselves. (According to one brochure, Istanbul is the fifth most popular international tourist destination in the world after places like New York, London and Paris.)
There was a young couple from Nuremburg, Germany, another couple from Toronto via Kenya, and a family (father, mother, teenage daughter, and son) from Munich. We learned that Istanbul is a favorite destination of Germans on vacation in the spring and summer. The couple from Toronto was getting ready to move to Baltimore so that he could do a residency for his M.D. The wife of the couple from Nuremburg spoke four languages fluently (German, English, French and Spanish) and worked for an export company. The father of the family from Munich worked for BMW and had had two tours for the company in New York, once living only a few miles from our home.
When the boat docked we said our good-byes, not likely to ever see each other again, but for three hours we were great companions.
I will be in Istanbul From There Ephesus in September i love istanbul