Dear Commons Community,
Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown University law student Rush Limbaugh labeled as a slut and a prostitute for her beliefs about access to birth control, responded on MSNBC’s The Ed Show Thursday night.
“Initially, you’re stunned, but then very quickly, you’re outraged, because this is historically the kind of language that is used to silence women, especially when women stand up and say that these are their reproductive health care needs and this is what they need,” Fluke said to Ed Schultz.
Limbaugh’s comments have stirred a number of responses including a phone call to Ms. Fluke from President Barack Obama asking if she was okay. The Huffington Post is also reporting that:
“75 House Democrats sent a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) urging him to condemn the language. Friday Boehner responded in an email saying the remarks were inappropriate, but he stopped short of condemning them.”
In my opinion, the likes of Rush Limbaugh and other gutter hate-mongers should be taken off the air by their employers. In New York that is WABC-AM but it would probably be too much to ask it to put human decency before profits.