And Another Republican Candidates Debate!

Dear Commons Community,

I watched the entire Republican presidential candidates’ debate on CCN last night.   I thought I would catch the first hour or so but was drawn into the heat, passion and humor of the candidates and so watched the entire two hours.  The New York Times and the Huffington Post have excellent recaps if you are interested.  Here are a couple of highlights.

Mitt Romney was particularly aggressive while Newt Gingrich seemed rather passive.  In past debates, their give and take was the opposite.

There was lots of heated discussion between Romney and Gingrich over immigration which I believe Romney won.

Gingrich proposed establishing that the United States establish the first base on the moon.  Romney’s reply was that if one of my staff proposed spending hundreds of billions of dollars for a moon base “ I would fire him’.  Gingrich had no reply.

Rick Santorum was okay but nothing special.

Ron Paul had me and the audience laughing over several remarks.  The most humorous was when Wolf Blitzer asked him because of his age would he disclose his medical records. After chiding Blitzer for age discrimination, Paul challenged his three opponents to a “25 mile bike race in the Texas heat”.



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