Lisbon: Carmo Convent

Carmo Convent

Dear Commons Community,

Elaine and I visited Carmo Convent yesterday.  Situated in Lisbon, Carmo is the Gothic ruins of a Catholic convent that was destroyed in the earthquake of 1755 and that now functions as an archaeological museum.  The Convent was founded by Nunez Alvares Pereira, the general who led the Portuguese army in the Battle of Aljubarrota, which was fought between the Kingdom of Portugal and the Crown of Castile in 1385. After his wife’s death in 1423, Pereira donated most of his wealth to the convent and became a monk.  Pereiera originally was buried here.  Unfortunately, his coffin was lost.

There were several attempts to rebuild Carmo but all were eventually abandoned.  Two wealthy Lisboans funded the conversion of the remains into the impressive archeological museum we see today. The roof was never rebuilt.  Today, Carmo contains a variety of relics and artifacts including several well-preserved South American mummies.

Small interesting museum.


Sculpture of São João Nepomuceno

The Board Room and Library with South American Mummies on Display

A replica of the coffin of Nunez Alvares Pereira


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