Scott Maxwell:  Florida Schools Posted Worst Test Scores in Decades!


Orlando Sentinel.

Dear Commons Community,

My colleague, Patsy Moskal, alerted me to an opinion piece written by Scott Maxwell, a columnist for the Orlando Sentinel, in which he laments the abysmal student test scores in Florida.  Here is an excerpt:

“For the past several years, Florida politicians have been on a crusade to censor books, whitewash history, bash teachers and even pass laws about preferred pronouns — basically do anything except actually educate students.

So it should come as little surprise that Florida schools just posted some of the worst scores in decades on what’s known as the “nation’s report card” for public schools.

We’re talking scores so low, Florida even trailed Mississippi in one category. Unless it’s a competition for mud pies or confederate war monuments, you should never trail Mississippi.

As the Orlando Sentinel recently reported, Florida’s eighth graders posted the lowest math scores in 20 years and the lowest reading scores in more than 25 years on the National Assessment of Educational Progress tests.”

Thank you Governor DeSantis and the Republicans controlling the Florida education system.


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