I have a chapter in a book just published in Germany entitled, Bildung und Digitaler Kapitalismus. The full citaton is:
Picciano, A. (2024). Der bildungsindustrielle Komplex auf dem Weg zur Globalisierung. In V. Dander, N. Grünberger, H. Niesyto, & H. Pohlmann (Hrsg.), Bildung und Digitaler Kapitalismus (S. 77–90). kopaed. English translation of the chapter: “The education-industrial complex going global.” English translation of the book: Education and Digital Capitalism. An English version of the book is planned for next year. Here is a summary translated from the book’s website:
The volume is dedicated to the topic of education and digital capitalism, both from a theoretical perspective and with regard to pedagogical fields of action and educational policy arenas. The contributions provide impulses for a critical questioning of technology-driven and commercial developments in the education sector. At the same time, conceptual, strategic and practical transfers to educational goals, values, curricula and forms of work for self-determined and collaborative education and learning processes are demonstrated. A separate section deals with the role of so-called “artificial intelligence” in such contexts.
Colleagues from different specialist disciplines and educational practical contexts are involved in the volume. They reflect the interdisciplinary orientation and the interest in a mutual theory-practice transfer on the topic. The publication is aimed primarily at scientists as well as educational professionals in various fields of activity.
Since 2021, the Education and Digital Capitalism Initiative has been addressing digital-capitalist formation processes from a critical perspective and promoting alternative, sustainable development paths in scientific contexts, educational fields of action and educational policy areas. The editors and numerous authors of this volume are involved in the initiative.