The Oracle of Delphi

Ruins of the Temple of Apollo

Dear Commons Community,

Elaine and I traveled by bus through incredibly beautiful hills and mountains yesterday to the site of the Oracle of Delphi (Μαντείο των Δελφών), located about 110 miles northwest of Athens.  The Oracle  was established maybe as early as 1400 B.C. and became a religious center of the ancient Greek world. Kings, generals, and people of influence came to Delphi to seek the advice of the Pythia or high priestesses of the Temple of Apollo who provided prophesies to those able to make substantial gifts. The Oracle sits on the slopes of Mount Parnassos with magnificent views of the surrounding valleys and mountains.


Ruins of the  Delphi Treasury Building

Delphi Market Place

Temple of Apollo with the Peak of Mt. Parnassus in the Background

The Omphalos of Delphi is an ancient marble monument sent by Zeus to identify Delphi as the “navel” or center of the Earth.

Vista from Delphi

Vista from Delphi

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