The (New) Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis Museum

Dear Commons Community,

Elaine and I spent this afternoon at the Acropolis Museum  (Μουσείο Ακρόπολης), a museum focused on the findings of the archaeological site of the Acropolis of Athens. The museum was built to house artifacts found on the Acropolis and on the surrounding slopes, from the Greek Bronze Age to Roman and Byzantine Greece. The Acropolis Museum also lies over the ruins of part of Roman and early Byzantine Athens.  The present new museum opened in 2009 and replaced the earlier Acropolis Museum. More than 4,250 objects are exhibited over an area of 46,000 square feet.  In a very informative video, the Museum makes the point that the United Kingdom and Greece are still in heated discussions over  more than fifty segments of the Parthenon frieze carted off in 1801 to 1804 by Thomas Bruce, the Earl of Elgin.

Below are examples of the Museum’s collection.


Nikai Terracotta Statues

Athena (Reproduction) – See Next Photo for Actual Sculpture

Actual Sculpture of Athena as Displayed in the Acropolis Museum


Alexander the Great


On the way to the Acropolis Museum, there was a memorial to Lysikrates, the only surviving monument to a theatrical producer. It was erected in 334 B.C., to show off the trophy he was awarded in the Dionysian Festival.

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