Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway and Anti-Trump Husband George Conway husband are divorcing!

Kellyanne and George Conway's tawdry love triangle with all of us - The  Washington Post

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Kellyanne Conway, a senior presidential adviser in the Trump White House, and her husband, attorney George Conway, a prominent critic of the former president, say they are divorcing.

The Conways posted a joint statement on their Twitter accounts yesterday, which said in part that “we are in the final stages of an amicable divorce.” The two said their marriage more than 20 years ago included “many happy years” and “four incredible children.”

Washington observers questioned the state of their union after George Conway began criticizing Donald Trump with a fervor that often matched his wife’s support of the president. While Kellyanne Conway defended Trump at every turn, her husband wrote tweets and articles and appeared on news shows to condemn his actions. He helped found the Lincoln Project, which sought Trump’s defeat in 2020.

In their statement, the couple asked that their privacy be respected and said they appreciated those who “know us, care for us, and support us.”

This was inevitable!


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