Video of Talk I Gave on “The Great American-Education Industrial Complex” at a Conference in Remscheid, Germany!

Dear Commons Community,

Last June, I gave a talk based on two of my publications and specifically on a book, Joel Spring and I published in 2013, on The Great American  Education-Industrial Complex.  The venue  was a conference entitled Education and Digital Capitalism held in Remscheid, Germany in June, 2022 .  Our book was the focus of a panel discussion on Education Industry and Learning Technologies: Critical Perspectives  (see below for a fuller description).  I gave the opening remarks for this panel.  These remarks (in English) can be seen here.  I could not attend in person because of ankle surgery so I made a video of my remarks.

The full proceedings (mostly in German) of the conference were recently made available on the Web at:



Panel Description

Globally active companies have gradually become more important in the education sector – also in Germany. Anthony G. Picciano referred to this phenomenon back in the 1990s as the “education-industrial complex”. Based on this concept and current economic and educational policy interdependencies, this working group discusses the following questions:

How do companies in the field of learning technologies affect education systems? What changes have there been in the last 30 years?

What are the differences and similarities between the USA and German-speaking countries? How do regional, national and global contexts,          actors relate to one another?

How do education policy and administration react to these developments?

What pedagogical, technological and political options are there to counteract dependency structures?

Which alternatives (BYOD, FOSS etc.) are desirable and why?


Anthony G. Picciano: Great American Education-Industrial Complex

Richard Münch: DFG project and educational industrial complex

Annina Förschler: Educational Policy Transformations|

Theo Hug and Reinhold Madritsch: Austrian Educational-Industrial Complex

Discussants: Ralf Lankau & Nele Hirsch

Moderators: Valentin Dander and Theo Hug


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