Six colleges in the City University of New York are among the top 10 in the region for diversity!

Dear Commons Community,

According to the Wall Street Journal/Times Higher Education College Rankings, six colleges in the City University of New York are among the top 10 in the region for diversity in the Northeast: City College of New York, Bernard M. Baruch College, Hunter College, Queens College, Brooklyn College and John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Rutgers University-Newark and the University of Massachusetts Boston are the highest-ranked schools.

In the WSJ/THE rankings, diversity accounts for 10% of a school’s overall score. The overall ranking is based on 15 factors across four main categories: Forty percent of each school’s overall score comes from student outcomes, including measures of graduate salaries and debt burdens, 30% from the school’s academic resources, including how much it spends on teaching, 20% from how well it engages its students and 10% from its environment, a measure of its diversity.

It is gratifying to see our university and its colleges recognized for the good they do in promoting diversity.



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