Anderson Cooper Debunks Kayleigh McEnany’s Comparison of Donald Trump to Winston Churchill!

Dear Commons Community,

CNN’s Anderson Cooper last night was appalled by the comparison.

Peaceful protesters were on Monday cleared from around St. John’s Episcopal Church, near the White House, by federal authorities using tear gas so Trump could pose with a Bible as a purported show of strength amid the protests that have erupted following the death of George Floyd.

McEnany claimed during a White House briefing yesterday that Trump had “wanted to send a very powerful message that we will not be overcome by looting, by rioting, by burning, this is not what defines America” and that the stunt was “a very important moment” to show “resilience,” as other presidents and world leaders have previously done.

“Like Churchill, we saw him inspecting the bombing damage, it sent a powerful message of leadership to the British people,” she claimed.

Cooper acknowledged Trump and Churchill were both children of privilege who led their respective countries.

But, for the host of “Anderson Cooper 360,” there the likeness ended.

Cooper noted how Churchill saw combat, was a prisoner of war, wrote books and was “one of the greatest orators in modern times.”

Trump? Not so much.

“Burned out church, a Bible in his hand, the country divided, and he couldn’t think of anything to say except to ask a bunch of other white guys to stand around him and just take a picture.”


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