Dear Commons Community,
I am pleased to announce that my colleagues (Chuck Dziuban, Charles Graham and Patsy Moskal) and I will be doing a third edition of our book, Blended Learning Research Perspectives. We have just sent out a call for chapter proposals (see below). If you or anyone you know are doing research in this area and looking for a publication vehicle, I strongly urge you to consider submitting a proposal.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Proposal Submission
We are pleased to announce that we are inviting submissions for the third volume of our book, Blended Learning Research Perspectives. Volume 1 and Volume 2 were well-received in the online and blended learning community and our publisher (Routledge/Taylor & Francis) has approached us to do a 3rd edition.
The nature of the submissions should focus on empirical studies (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods) that examine an aspect or issue related to blended learning. We are defining blended learning broadly to include any combination of online and face-to-face instruction. We will also accept a small number of submissions that focus on theories, models, and literature reviews related to blended learning.
Submissions can deal with any aspect of blended learning. We encourage especially any research related to student outcomes, new technologies, access, diversity, and cost-benefits.
We anticipate accepting approximately twenty-five submissions for the chapters in this book. We hope to provide readers with a broad array of educational interests including higher and K-12 education; adult, non-traditional and corporate training; international perspectives; and newer technologies such as adaptive learning and analytics. Evidence-based evaluations of courses and programs are welcome. Each chapter is not to exceed 5,500 words. Manuscripts will follow the APA style for references and bibliography. If a submission is accepted for publication, more detailed instructions will follow. All proposals should be submitted online at:
Each proposal should be one page and include title, all author names and organizations, a clear statement of purpose of the research, methods used, and a summary of findings. Deadline for submission of chapter abstracts is February 28th, 2020. Editorial decisions notifications to authors based on chapter abstracts will be sent by the end of March 2020.
Upon completion of the proposal, look for the Qualtrics completion message indicating that your proposal was successfully submitted.
Relevant inquiries regarding the book or chapters should be emailed to
If you have any issues with the proposal submission process, please email
Sincerely, Volume Editors:
Anthony G. Picciano, Hunter College and City University of New York Graduate Center
Charles D. Dziuban, The University of Central Florida
Charles R. Graham, Brigham Young University
Patsy D. Moskal, The University of Central Florida
Thanks for your good website and information !
Sometimes I need to think about it