Daniel Markovits New Book: “The Meritocracy Trap”


Dear Commons Community,
I have just finished reading, The Meritocracy Trap: How America’s Foundational Myth Feeds Inequality, Dismantles the Middle Class, and Devours the Elite by Daniel Markovits.    It is a deep dive into the issue of income inequality and has Markovits making a well-researched attack on the American meritorcracy. Markovits is a professor at Yale University and the founding director of the Center for the Study of Private Law.  With twenty-three pages of data tables and ninety pages of notes, he documents well his position that meritocracy is a sham and a mechanism for the concentration and transmission of wealth and privilege across generations.  He proposes that “the embattled middle classes are now more likely to sink into the working poor” and  “that the meritocracy ensnares even the elite that manage to claw their way to the top requiring rich adults to work with crushing intensity and exploiting their expensive educations in order to extract a return.” He has a number of important comments such as:
“meritocracy and aristocracy are not opposites but cousins”
“we live in an age where it [technology] has replaced mid-level manufacturing and management positions toward super-skilled labor that is dominated by the elite”
“the rich dominate the financing of political campaigns to astonishing degrees..a mere 158 families provided nearly half of all campaign contributions for the initial phases of the 2020 election.”
He proposes two solutions: 1) taking away private colleges tax-exempt status unless they expand opportunities for higher education to a broad public, making admission open and inclusive; and 2) payroll tax reform and wage subsidies that would impel businesses to hire the “surging supply of educated workers” coming from newly accessible [mostly public] colleges.
I recommend this book if you want to get in the weeds of the issue of income inequality and American meritocracy.  You have to read every word to keep up with Markovits’ message.  Below is an excerpt from a Kirkus book review.


How the myth of achievement through merit alone has created a schism between the wealthy and the middle class.

Markovits responds to the much-debated issues of income inequality, middle-class discontent, and the rise of angry populism by mounting an impassioned and well-argued attack against meritocracy: the belief that talent and ambition lead to wealth and status. “The meritocratic ideal—that social and economic rewards should track achievement rather than breeding—anchors the self-image of the age,” writes the author. But that ideal, he counters, championed by progressives as a solution to inequality, is “a sham,” creating “aristocratic distinctions” that separate the rich from the increasingly frustrated middle class. Nor does meritocracy serve the rich, instead consigning elite workers to the “strained self-exploitation” of long hours at relentless, inhumane overwork that leads to an impoverished “inner life” and “destruction of the authentic self.” Markovits, who was educated and has taught at elite institutions, offers compelling evidence that despite gestures toward diversity, wealthy students make up the majority of admissions, producing “superordinate workers, who possess a powerful work ethic and exceptional skills.” These workers, who take “glossy” jobs, have displaced mid-skilled, middle-class workers, who are relegated to dismal, “gloomy” jobs that lead to income stagnation. Meritocracy, asserts the author, “debases an increasingly idled middle class, which it shuts off from income, power, and prestige.” He offers two far-reaching solutions: taking away private institutions’ tax-exempt status unless they expand opportunities for higher education to a broad public, making admission open and inclusive; and payroll tax reform and wage subsidies that would impel businesses, including the health care industry, to hire the “surging supply of educated workers” coming from newly accessible colleges. In medicine, for example, hiring nurses and nurse practitioners could make health care more accessible than hiring a few specialist doctors. Sure to be controversial, the author’s analysis and proposals deserve serious debate.

Bold proposals for a radical revision of contemporary society.

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