Rome – Visit to Assisi!

IMG_0356 Assisi

Dear Commons Community,

We spent two days in Assisi in the Umbria hill country. The entire area of Assisi is breathtaking and the vistas are magnificent.  Assisi is the birthplace of Francis who is among the most-beloved saints in Roman Catholicism.  In addition to Francis, there are two cathedrals in Assisi that honor St. Clair and St. Rufino. The Basilica of San Francesco is impressive to say the least and is famous for its collection of Giotto frescoes which adorn the entire Upper Church.  The Lower Church has an altar that contains the burial crypt of Francis.  During our visit, a continuous line of worshipers could be seen kneeling and praying at this altar. 

A wonderful two days that were filled with beauty and spirituality.


IMG_0345 view from hotel window

View from our hotel (Hotel Umbra)

IMG_0348 San Francesco

Basilica of San Francesco

Giotto Frescoes II

Giotto Frescoes in the Upper Church

IMG_0353 Crypt of St. Francis of Assisi

Altar and Crypt of Francis of Assisi in Lower Church

IMG_0349 Elaine San Francesco

Basilica of San Francesco (with Elaine in the Lower Right Corner)

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