Article: The Evolution Continues: Considerations for the Future of Research in Online and Blended Learning

Dear Commons Community,

My colleague, Chuck Dziuban from the University of Central Florida, and I had an article published earlier this year entitled, The Evolution Continues: Considerations for the Future of Research in Online and Blended Learning,  as an EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research (ECAR) Research Bulletin.  Below is a brief abstract.  Joanna Grama, Director of Operations at ECAR emailed Chuck and I yesterday indicating that the article is now available as a free download at:

Chuck and I welcome feedback.




The model of online learning that has evolved over the past 20 years relies on ubiquitous data communications that are owned and operated routinely by all segments of the population. Today, people use laptops, cell phones, and other portable devices daily to stay connected with family, friends, and their studies. Online education has become integral to how instruction is being delivered in colleges and universities. It is no longer a novelty and is becoming fully integrated into all teaching and learning. The purpose of this bulletin is to attempt to predict where the research in online and blended learning is going.

This research bulletin is adapted from chapter 13 in Charles D. Dziuban, Anthony G. Picciano, Charles R. Graham, and Patsy D. Moskal, Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning Environments: New Pedagogical Frontiers (New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2015).


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