New book, Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning Environments: New Pedagogical Frontiers!

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Dear Commons Community,

I am happy to announce that a new book, Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning Environments:  New Pedagogical Frontiers, has just been published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis. I co-authored this book with colleagues, Charles Dzuiban, Charles Graham, and Patsy Moskal. Those of you interested in research in online and blended learning, will find it a valuable addition to your library.

Conducting Research in Online and Blended Learning Environments… examines various perspectives, issues, and methods for conducting research in online and blended learning environments. It provides in-depth examinations of the perspectives and issues that anyone considering research in online or blended learning will find insightful as they plan their own inquiries. Grounded in educational research theory, this is invaluable to both the serious researcher as well as the occasional evaluator. It also provides comprehensive, useful information on research paradigms, methodologies, and methods that should be considered in designing and conducting studies in this area. Examples of the most respected research in the field enhance each chapter’s presentation.

It is available at at:

and Barnes and Noble at:


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