Killing Our Children – 74 School Shootings in 18 Months!

School Shootings Map
Dear Commons Community,

After the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012, President Obama promised “meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this.” His gun reform push, focused on a background check measure that had overwhelming public support, failed in the Senate last year, and Congress hasn’t passed any other gun legislation.

At least 74 school shootings happened during those 18 months, according to a tally by Everytown for Gun Safety, a group fighting to pass gun control laws. That’s more than one each week school was in session, with the longest gap between shootings spanning last summer’s break, from mid-June to mid-August.  The most recent shooting happened Tuesday morning at a high school east of Portland, Oregon. The gunman and a student are reported dead.


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