Dear Commons Community,
I have just finished reading Elizabeth Warren: A Fighting Chance. Warren is the senator from Massachusetts. A former Harvard Law School professor, she is the author of ten books, including All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan and The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke, written with her daughter, Amelia Tyagi. The New York Times Book Review commented that A Fighting Chance is:
“A potent mix of memoir and policy that makes politics seem like a necessary evil, and yet it’s impossible to read Warren’s story without thinking about her meteoric rise in the Democratic Party and those Warren groupies on Connecticut Avenue…The title of this book reminds us that this is about Warren’s fight. She is still the fiery advocate who called for a bureau to protect consumers or, as a second choice, ‘no agency at all and plenty of blood and teeth left on the floor.’”
I found the book very insightful both into Warren the person as well as Warren the advocate and senator. Her pasion for finance reform comes through in her writing. At times, she gets well into the weeds of the financial issues and Washington politics but not enough to want to stop reading.
It is June 1st and the summer reading period has officially begun. If you like biography and politics, I recommend A Fighting Chance.