At Online Learning Consortium’s Annual Conference!

Dear Commons Community,

I am here in Orlando at the Online Consortium’s ACCELERATE Conference.  Met yesterday with several collegues including Frank Mayadas, Meg Benke, Jill Buban, Nori Barajas-Murphy, and Pam Mills.

I have a full agenda of meetings scheduled today with members of the OLC Board of Directors.  Later I will stop by to visit The Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL) Master Class, a leadership development program sponsored by Penn State and the Online Learning Consortium. Now in its 8th year, IELOL serves the development needs of emerging leaders and institutional teams responsible for a variety of online learning initiatives. Participants work with colleagues from around the world and join a growing network of leaders in higher education

The conference program looks interesting and  has a fine mix of presentations, all of which relate to online learning and instructional technology.  CUNY colleagues (George Otte, Antonia Levy, and Gladys Palma de Schrynemakers are on the program. 


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