Conservative David French:  Fox News Hurts the Right!

Dear Commons Community,

David French, an attorney and staff writer for the National Review, has a piece today commenting on how Fox News has hurt the conservative movement and conservative candidates.  His main thesis is that Fox News has come to dominate the right’s thinking by virtue of the fact that it provides the largest conservative media outlet.  Conservatives feel that appearing on the cable network enhances their visibility and chances of winning elections.  While it might provide a conservative audience, it does nothing for those candidates who need to appeal to larger audiences of independents, moderates, and liberals.  Here is an excerpt:

“The conservative movement is a victim of Fox’s success. The network is so strong that conservatives who ignore it risk obscurity and irrelevance, even as it remains far too weak to truly transform the landscape. So long as Fox continues to make more than $1 billion per year, that’s unlikely to change. It will be up to conservative leaders to wean themselves off the cheap high and intentionally engage the vast majority of Americans who don’t turn on Fox, don’t follow Sean Hannity, and think “The Factor” sounds more like an old game show than the most-watched news program in America. Appearing on Fox can create an alluring but illusory fame, and in seeking it above all else, some of our best minds inadvertently limit their own influence. I don’t resent Fox’s existence, but I lament its effect on our movement. It’s time to leave the cocoon.”

French provides excellent insight into Fox’s influence or lack thereof.  However, viable candidates with worthy messages will be hard-pressed to break from the network’s grip on conservatives.  


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