Dear Commons Community,
For three hours, eleven Republican presidential candidates debated their views on a CNN nationally televised program last night. You can see the debate on youtube. There was a good deal of bickering among the candidates mostly involving the frontrunner, Donald Trump. However, it was also a chance for the TV audience to see lesser known candidates such as Carly Fiorina and Ben Carson.
A number of issues were discussed including the Iran Nuclear Weapon Treaty, Planned Parenthood funding, and immigration but still a bit too much was about Trump. New York Times columnist Frank Bruni provides a good recap of the evening:
“Trump had insulted Jeb Bush’s wife: Discuss! Trump had insulted Carly Fiorina’s business career: Respond!
So it went, somewhat tediously and surreally, for many stretches of the debate on Wednesday night and especially for the first half-hour, during which Rand Paul took the precise measure of — and raised the correct question about — the egomaniacal front-runner.
“Do we want someone with that kind of character, that kind of careless language, to be negotiating with Putin?” Paul asked.
“I think really there’s a sophomoric quality that is entertaining about Mr. Trump, but I am worried,” he added, and I nodded so vigorously at the “worried” part that I’m going to need balm and a neck brace tomorrow.
Paul went on to single out Trump’s “visceral response to attack people on their appearance — short, tall, fat, ugly. My goodness, that happened in junior high. Are we not way above that?”
No, we aren’t. “