Higher Education Policy Seminar Series!

Dear Commons Community,

Colin Chellman, Associate Dean, Institutional and Policy Research, here at the
City University of New York, sent out the notice below announcing the speakers for this semester’s higher education policy series.  These are usually interesting and well-attended events.



CUNY Office of Policy Research’s

Higher Education Policy Seminar Series

Spring 2014 Schedule

***Annual Lecture***     Feb. 20 (Thurs.), 6:00 pm:

David Conley (University of Oregon)

“Getting Ready for College, Careers, and the Common Core”

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue, Lower Level – Room C203


Mar. 6 (Thurs.), Noon:

Charles Clotfelter (Duke University)

“Colleges and Their Customers”

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue, Lower Level – Room C198


Mar. 27 (Thurs.), Noon:

Dylan Conger (George Washington University)

“The Impact of a Change in Tuition Policy on Undocumented Immigrant Students”

CUNY Graduate Center, 365 5th Avenue, Room 9204


Apr. 10 (Thurs.), Noon:

Peter Ewell (NCHEMS)

“Using State Unit-Record Databases to Investigate Student Success and Employment”

Macaulay Honors College, 35 West 67th Street, Lecture Hall

 RSVP for any seminar to:
[email protected]

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