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Dear Commons Community,
John Liu, Comptroller for the City of New York, released a report today highlighting the disparity of access to Internet technology in the City’s households. Specifically, the report states:
“… that nearly one-quarter of households in New York City lack a computer, highlighting a digital divide that threatens to leave many young people without the technology skills necessary to succeed after high school. Black and Hispanic households are especially likely to have no computer (41 percent and 29 percent respectively), as are households in the Bronx (37 percent). Additionally, 60 percent of households without broadband Internet have annual incomes lower than $30,000, and 73 percent are headed by someone who did not attend college. To address these disparities and improve students’ ability to use technology, the report recommends working to expand computer ownership, broadband adoption, and technology training for students and their families.
“We must confront this digital divide in order to ameliorate inequities that limit the potential of our city as a whole,” said Liu “In today’s digital world, technology skills are no longer optional — they’re necessary for success.”
The report provides interesting data with important ramifications for instructional technology policies in New York City public schools.