Joe Scarborough: Modern Conservatism Has Become a Racket for Pundits to Make Millions!

Dear Commons Community,

Joe Scarborough lashed out at some conservatives, particularly pundits, for “destroying” the Republican Party yesterday.

The MSNBC morning host was reacting to Bill Kristol’s recent op-ed, which alleged that parts of American conservativism have become “a racket.” Scarborough could not agree more.

“You have a lot of people running around, saying harsh things that sell books and push ratings and lose elections,” he said on Monday. “Conservatism is a racket for a lot of people to get very, very rich. With no thought of winning elections.”

He said that conservative media personalities would only lead the GOP to a “permanent minority.” Scarborough continued, “Who are they to say anything about what the future of this party and of this movement is? They’re making tens of millions of dollars. They’re getting rich and they’re not really hurting this country because they’re irrelevant… but they are destroying the Republican Party everyday.”

Scarborough was on target and it was clear that he was referring to the Rush Limbaughs, Ann Coulters, Glenn Becks, Bill O’Reillys and Sean Hannitys of the conservative media.
