Dear Commons Community,
Brian Jones, a student in the Ph.D. Program in Urban Education shared this information with colleagues yesterday. Important concern after decades of desegregation decrees and judicial oversight.
Brian Jones Posting on the Introduction to Research in Urban Education Course Website.
From the website:
“In the latest of its widely-cited reports analyzing segregation trends in the nation’s public schools, and the first since the beginning of the Obama Administration, the Civil Rights Project today released three new studies showing persistent and serious increases in segregation by race and poverty, with very dramatic results in the South and West, the nation’s two largest regions where students of color now comprise the majority of public school enrollment. Nationally, the average black or Latino student now attends school with a substantial majority of children in poverty, double the level in schools of whites and Asians.”
Here’s the main website:
There’s one main report and two smaller ones. The main one is here:…separation-deepening-double-segregation-for-more-students/orfield-kuscera-hawley-e-pluribus-2012.pdf