Dear Commons Community,
There is a good deal to report on the presidential campaign trail. First, Hilary Rosen’s comments about Ann Romney and working moms are not going way. During a closed-door fundraiser in Florida, Ann Romney described Democratic strategist Hilary Rosen’s recent criticism of her choosing to be a stay-at-home mother as an “early birthday present,” according to a report by NBC News.
Second, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner threw water on one of GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s claims about the economy and women, saying Sunday that it is “ridiculous” to imply the president is to blame for high unemployment among women.
“It’s misleading and ridiculous. It’s just a political moment,” Geithner told CBS’s Bob Scheiffer on “Face the Nation,” adding that the quality of debate over economic policy is “really terrible.”
Geithner was referring to a statistic cited by Romney this week on women who lost jobs during President Barack Obama’s time in office. Romney said that 92.3 percent of the jobs lost during that period were held by women, which he said was “the real war on women.”
Third, President Barack Obama probably received an important endorsement yesterday from former Vice President Dick Cheney during his first major public appearance since his heart transplant. Speaking before the Wyoming Republican Party state convention:
“He has been an unmitigated disaster to the country,” Cheney said of President Barack Obama.
The Wyoming Republican Party chose 14 delegates Saturday to this summer’s Republican National Convention and all of them are committed to support Romney.
We wish Mr. Cheney a speedy and full recovery but unfortunately for us, he was the worst vice president this country has seen in recent history. A megalomaniac who lied, cheated and deceived the American people into going to war in Iraq. Anything he says negative about Barack Obama candidate can only help the president be re-elected.