New Pew Research Center Study:  More Young Americans Living with their Parents!

Dear Commons Community,

A new Pew Research Center report says young adults are more likely to live with their parents than as part of any other housing arrangement. Over 32 percent of young Americans, ages 18 to 34, lived with their parents, instead of living with a partner or spouse, with 31 percent of young adults choosing to live in a household with a partner.  To put it into perspective, just over 55 years ago, 62 percent of young adults were living with a partner, now only 31 percent live with a partner.

Why the change? For one thing, fewer Americans are getting married before 35. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age of Americans first getting married has been steadily rising for several decades now.

“The really seismic change is that we have so many fewer young adults partnering, either marrying or cohabiting,” Pew Research Center senior economist Richard Fry told The New York Times. “In 1960, that silent generation left home earlier than any generation before or after, because they married so young.” 

Employment trends also have contributed to the shift, with lower employment levels — as well as lower wages for younger workers — putting independence further out of reach for young people, according to Pew. 

Young men are more likely than women to live with parents, as women are still slightly more likely to live with a partner. 

Other living arrangements in the report included those who are living alone, with roommates or as single parents, and those who lived with another family member, non-relative or in group housing.

Interestingly, the trend seems to extend beyond our borders. Just under 50 percent of European young adults live with parents — though it varies country by country. But similar trends have also been seen in Canada, Japan and Australia. 



  1. Very interesting insights in your article, Tony. I just want to add that this situation is affecting people globally as the world becomes more and more expensive with the digital age and increased competition. That is why I would urge small-medium sized businesses to take full of advantage of the <a herf=""Canad Job Grant which offers up to $10000 in training expenses for new employees and graduating students. Action is not only in the hands of young adults, but also in the hands of healthy businesses to expand their options.

  2. Very interesting insights in your article, Tony. I just want to add that this situation is affecting people globally as the world becomes more and more expensive with the digital age and increased competition. That is why I would urge small-medium sized businesses to take full of advantage of the <a herf=""Canad Job Grant which offers up to $10000 in training expenses for new employees and graduating students. Action is not only in the hands of young adults, but also in the hands of healthy businesses to expand their options.